The Anglican Diocese of Sekondi

The Anglican Diocese of Sekondi

The Diocese covered an area of 9,210 square miles and was poly-ethnic, encompassing the Sefwi, the Aowin, the Wassaw, the Nzima, the Ahanta, not to mention the numerous Akan, Ga and Ewe who were attracted there by job openings and farming opportunities.

The Diocese of Sekondi was originally part of the Diocese of Accra which came into existence in 1909.  Several attempts which started in the early 70s to carve Sekondi and other Dioceses failed until the Church of the Province of West Africa (CPWA) at its meeting in 20th. March, 1980 accepted the nomination of the Venerables J.A. Ackon, R.G.A. Okine, J.K. Dadzon and Rev’d. Fr. T.S.A. Annobil as Bishops Elect for the proposed four (4) new Dioceses; Cape Coast, Koforidua, Sunyani-Tamale and Sekondi to be carved from the Mother Diocese of Accra.

On St. Luke’s Day, Sunday, the 18th. Of October, 1981, at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Accra, the four Bishops Elect were consecrated.